Accredited First Aid Training and Courses Brisbane
Are you looking for accredited first aid training in Brisbane, QLD?
We have been in the business for the long term and have gained applauds from our client for some superior services. WHS and Training Compliance transform your workplace into a safe one where employees could feel confident and get creative and productive. If you want customized in-house accredited first aid training, we could organise for that. Customer satisfaction has always been our top priority. Your faith and trust have helped us grow and for accredited first aid training courses in Brisbane, QLD, we have always been the first choice. Our first aid professionals work hard to serve you the best leaving no stones unturned. Give us a call if you want to enrol.
Suicide Awareness
Suicide may be a by-product of an existing mental condition which a person may be battling with for a long time. People don’t just wake up one morning and decide they want to vanish from the face of the earth. It’s a long struggle; something you, as a friend, may not be aware of or did not notice. Suicidal individuals may feel as though they are worthless and a burden to those close to them. They tend to move away to preserve you from their devastating feelings. The world indeed looks cruel to them and they are not to blame for seeing things that way.
All of us go through a stage where we feel hopeless. We call these bumps on the road, something we overcome eventually. Unfortunately, for suicidal people, there are pits of despair that are too deep for them to escape. The thought process is simply not the same, and that may be one of the reasons why a lot of them feel like no one completely understands.
It’s time you understand and educate yourself about the harms of mental illness and the factors leading to suicide. An accredited mental health first aid training could be useful. You can find a lot of accredited first aid course certifications like this in Brisbane. Among the things you will learn in such training is spotting the early warning signs of suicide.
3 Early Warning Signs of Suicide
Giving away valuable possessions – Maybe your friend is not just feeling generous. Giving away favourite things could be a sign that they are entrusting you with those which they hold very dearly because they will not be around anymore. The gifts may come with cryptic messages, or they could give you what seems to be their final goodbyes. Be suspicious when this happens, especially when it’s out of the blue.
Comments about wanting to die – You should be alarmed when such comments come up in your regular conversations even through nonchalant hints or humour. It says a lot about what they have been preoccupied with lately. Lend an ear and listen to their problems without judgment. If you find a pattern of suicidal ideas, subtly encourage them to seek professional help
Reckless behaviour – You may know your friend as a party animal but take note when their activities become unusually excessive and reckless. The person with suicidal thoughts people may resort to dangerous behaviours to end their life without directly having a hand in it.
Book Accredited First Aid Course Online Brisbane, Australia
It’s necessary to check on a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Your call may be the only thing they’ve been waiting for all week. You may not entirely understand their struggles, but you’re helping them just by being there.
A mental health first aid course will give you a closer look into their world. It will enlighten you about their struggles and help you break the stigma towards mental health. WHS and Training Compliance Solutions Brisbane is an accredited first aid provider that can bring you quality accredited first aid courses in Brisbane. A certification may not exactly save a friend but it sure can equip you with skills to pull a friend out from the darkness.
Contact us to request a competitive quote today.
Get your Mental Health Course started in Western Australia
It’s time to highlight the importance of mental health. Prioritize your workers’ mental health at work by strengthening policies. Maybe mandatory breaks, wellness activities, and let’s not forget an effective grievance system. Whenever things get tight, you need to keep going. Enrolling in a course in Western Australia could strengthen your journey towards mental health. Until you see the results, you’ll never know how far a mental health training certificate WA can go.
Request a competitive quote from us today. Contact us