Mental Health First Aid training course for Engaging Leaders

Mental Health First Aid training course for Engaging Leaders

Discover the power of Engaging Leaders’ Mental Health First Aid training course, designed to equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to support their employees’ mental well-being. In this comprehensive course, leaders will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of mental health first aid in the workplace.

Our training covers essential topics, including how to identify signs of mental health issues and how to provide effective support. By fostering a mentally healthy workplace, leaders can create a positive culture where employees feel supported and empowered to perform their best.

With Engaging Leaders’ Mental Health First Aid training, you’ll learn practical strategies to promote psychological and physical health and safety in your organisation. Book your training today by calling our dedicated team at 07 5499 2406. Take a proactive step towards creating a mentally healthy workplace that benefits both your employees and your organisation’s success.


Online training for 2 (four) hours.

MHFA Engaging Leaders is a 2 hours preliminary session that provides information to senior leaders, management teams information on how MHFA courses can support mentally healthy workplaces and benefits of MHFA training.

Information in MHFA: Engaging Leaders course is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals in workplace wellbeing.

During the MHFA: Engaging Leaders session, you will learn:

  • Mental health problems in the workplace
  • Mental Health First Aid main concepts and the role MH first aider has in creating a mentally healthy workplace
  • Guidelines for offering mental health first aid to co-workers.

If you would like us to deliver onsite MHFA Engaging Leaders session, just call our team on 07 5499 2406

MHFA Engaging Leaders session does not accredit participants to become MH first aiders. It will be delivered as a sampler for the organisations thinking about introducing Mental Health First Aiders to their workplace or as a compliment where MHFA training is being implemented within an organisation.

The cost of the training is – $0. Exclusive offer to our clients: WHS and Training Compliance Solutions have packaged MHFA Engaging Leaders session with onsite Mental Health First Aid Training bookings, with no additional cost

Mental health illnesses affect two in five Australians, it is likely that there are employees in your workplace who are experiencing mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Untreated mental health illnesses impact workplaces and individuals. Estimated cost of mental illness to workplaces has been estimated at $11 billion per year. This includes productivity, presenteeism, absenteeism, and work compensation claims. It’s also a legal requirement to eliminate and minimise risks to both physical and psychological health in Australia.

It makes good business sense to invest in mental health to improve workplace productivity and profitability.

Some of the benefits of mentally healthy workplaces are:

  • Increase in productivity and employee morale
  • Decrease in absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Increase in employee engagement, job satisfaction and low staff turn over
  • Decrease in work related injuries/illnesses and decrease in workers compensation claims