How well does the workplace manage fatigue and stress?

Manage work-related stress and fatigue to keep employees health and productivity. Australia's second most compensated illness is stress.

It is important to manage  work-related stress and fatigue as it affects the health and well-being of employees, as well as the productivity of companies. Stress occurs when work demands exceed an individual’s capacity to cope. In Australia, stress is the second most commonly compensated illness after musculoskeletal problems.

There are a number of events that can result in work-related stress. In some jobs, individuals may feel under pressure if the demands are greater than they can comfortably handle (e.g., working hours or responsibilities). In addition to conflicts with co-workers and managers, constant change, and possible redundancies, work-related stress can also result from conflict with colleagues or supervisors.

The Australian government paid more than $133.9 million in benefits to workers who made claims related to workplace stress during the 2004/2005 tax year. As reported by the National Health and Safety Commission, work-related stress is the most common cause of absence.

It may be stressful for one person, but challenging for another. People experience work-related stress based on several factors, such as their occupation, their psychological makeup, and their general health.

Physical and mental health are equally important

Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body healthy. As the world continues to change, stress and fatigue pose challenges to individuals in the modern age. Our mental health may be affected by long-term stress and fatigue, which is why we need to know what causes stress and fatigue and how to overcome it. Stress is something that causes worry not only to the people who are undergoing stress, but also to the employers. It’s vital to know that. Employees who are stressed are less productive and efficient. It’s a known fact that stress diverts their attention from safety.   It is actually stress that is a reaction to a situation rather than a physical state of being. A body’s natural response to stress determines how it will react next.

People feel stressed when they think the demands of a situation outweigh their resources. The difference can be explained by a simple example, like someone who is comfortable with public speaking may not worry about giving a presentation, while someone who is not comfortable with public speaking might be stressed out about it.

When there is a conflict between job demands and available resources, stress at work can create harmful physical and emotional reactions.

Stress is undoubtedly harmful to the mind, body, and overall health.  A set of automatic responses have been designed and preprogrammed into individuals to deal with stressful conditions. Stress is something we deal with constantly throughout our lifetime. Our bodies respond the same no matter what type of stress. Long-term stress activates the system of response, but it doesn’t have a chance to turn off.

The best way to manage work-related stress and fatigue

If fatigue is causing work-related stress, you may be able to help yourself in a few ways, such as:

  • Maintain a sleep routine every night, and sleep for 7-8 hours each day.
  • Take action to reduce stress levels at work by taking action on the changes you need to make. Managing some changes yourself is easy, while others require a team effort.
  • You may want to discuss your concerns with your employer.
  • Keep your schedule well organized. Order your tasks in priority order. Plan your toughest tasks for the morning, when you’re freshest.
  • Don’t forget to look after yourself. Be sure to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
  • When you practice relaxation regularly, you will reap the benefits. If you practice meditation or yoga, it might be helpful.
  • Every week, make sure you give yourself enough free time.
  • It is not a good idea to take out your stress on your loved ones. As an alternative, you should share your work problems with them and ask for their support and suggestions.
  • In addition to not alleviating stress, drugs like alcohol and tobacco can also cause additional health problems. Smoking and excessive drinking are not recommended.
  • A psychologist can provide you with professional counseling.

Despite your efforts, to manage work-related stress may still be a problem, so you may need to change jobs or careers. If you need career counselling or psychological help, consult a professional.

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