Most people spend a substantial percentage of their day at work, making WHS strategies a pressing concern. This means that throughout their productive age, work-related health and safety, including WHS strategies, is always at the forefront of their concerns. No workplace is one hundred percent free from hazard, especially as psychological and physical hazards, which can be mitigated through WHS strategies, manifest everywhere there is a work activity.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), occupational risks include physical injuries, noise, cancer-causing chemicals, and fatigue. The greatest fraction of work-related health issues can be accounted to back pain (we aren’t surprised, are we?), thus implying the need for a carefully thought out ergonomic in addition to effective WHS programs. Stress and demotivation could also be disabling. If not addressed, psychological concerns can lead to job dissatisfaction and consequently, absenteeism, and turnover. Thus, workplace mental health must be given just as much regard as physical health. Little is known about the psychological benefits of a safe and conducive place of work so here are a few to get you started.
Psychological benefits of a safe and conducive place
Increased knowledge sharing. Having felt that the organisation is a safe space to voice ideas and concerns, employees will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in information exchange. Workers can confidently seek professional growth through feedback and in return consider others’ insights without judgment.
Job satisfaction. A positive working environment reinforces the employee’s need to be heard, valued, and respected. These are things that make employees stick around longer and see their job as an opportunity to reach their fullest potential. It’s not always money that brings satisfaction.
Healthy company culture. Mental health is a collective concern. An individual cannot find mental peace in an environment that enables discrimination, bullying, and harassment. Work health and safety programs focusing on mental health awareness encourages respect and understanding among employees. Through consistent efforts, it wouldn’t be long until you can call your workplace a safe space.
High morale. With a clearly communicated set of rules, practices, and policies protecting employees from health and safety concerns, workers can establish trust in the management, improving partnerships, cohesiveness, and production.
Less stress. Workers have one less thing to worry about if the organisation has the WHS covered. Thus, they can focus more on getting work done, enhancing work quality, and engaging in positive discourse.
Though their effect in production and sales is undeniable, workplace mental health and injury prevention benefit organisations beyond economic means. Safe working space and a culture that sustains one help in bringing employees to realize their full potential.
Do we share the same sentiments? Do you believe that WHS is beneficial for workers’ mental health, too? Give us a call at 07 5499 2406 and let’s discuss your training options in upholding initiatives in your organisation. We, at WHS & Training Compliance Solutions, provide workplace safety advice, mental health first aid training, and systems assistance to help you achieve your workplace goals.
We are based in Queensland, serving cities such as Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns, and Toowoomba. However, we also love travelling and service outside Queensland, this includes International WHS consulting and training. We’d love to see you around for a consultation!
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