Understanding Thinking Styles to Advance Profitability (Whole Brain® Model)

Whole Brain® Model, Whole Brain, Thinking preferences, HBDI

Have you ever wondered why you struggle to understand certain pieces of information yet your friend takes no time to figure it out? To them, it’s a breeze while to you, it’s a hurdle that needs overcoming.

The short answer: “you two are built different”. The long answer: your thinking styles are different and there’s a good chance that the information presented was meant to cater to the thinking style of your friend, not yours.

Let us zoom out for a bit to see this more clearly.

The Whole Brain® Thinking Model

According to Ned Hermann’s Whole Brain® Thinking framework, there are four ways people absorb information, solve problems, make decision, or simply— think. And for each person, a preference for one or a combination of these mental processes namely: Analytical, Practical, Relational, and Experimental.

By preference, we mean a style of thinking that leans towards a quadrant more than the others. A person who is highly analytical may not do as well in social scenarios compared to a person who is relational in nature.

While this may mean that every person has a place to thrive in the world, it should primarily prompt educators, leaders, and organizations to leverage these preferences all the while honing the less dominant areas of the brain. Hence, Whole Brain® Thinking.

How will you know for sure what your thinking preference is?

The Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) is truly where it all begins.

You can think of HBDI as a survey that determines your dominant mental process/es based on how you rate yourself against a series of statements. It’s developed with consideration to validity and reliability standards, thus it’s an accurate route to understanding how exactly your brain works.

HBDI brings benefits from the individual level to the team and organisation as a whole. Why this is so? You’ll be amased to know how it can be leveraged to achieve successful outcomes!

Benefits of HBDI Profiles

Insight for training development. When you get a hold of an HBDI Team Profile, you see the general capacity of a work unit. This gives you insight on how to create a training program that appeals to their strengths and at the same time stimulates their less dominant thinking styles. There’s nothing more effective than a course that’s equal parts exciting and challenging.

Direction for leadership approach. With information on an employee’s thinking preference, leaders can fine-tune the tasks they delegate and influence the work environment such that it becomes more conducive for the employee’s growth.

Workforce productivity. HBDI provides a resource for company decision-makers with regards to the thinking preferences of workforce. For instance, if know how our team members work, we can assist them for the areas they may oversee.

Better understanding for each team member. Awareness of your differences with your team, allow you to pave way for each other’s forte. Not only this, you’re more inclined to actively make up for your weaknesses by learning from each other’s strengths.

Do you want to know more about The Whole Brain® Thinking Model? and

Get the chance to enjoy these benefits by having yourself, your partner or team’s HBDI assessed!

Call 07 5499 2406 to book HBDI Consultation appointment with our consultants at WHS & Training Compliance Solutions.

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